Nutri Natters

Rita’s blog for lovers of real food

A versatile Italian marinade or dressing for fish and meat

24th April 2012

Salmoriglio is an olive oil, herbs and lemon dressing from Sicily. Whisk some up to add a tang to fish and meat. I like it with white fish but aficionados tell me that it livens up just about any fish, flesh or fowl. If you want to serve a cheaper fillet of fish, such as pollock, don’t be put off by the greyish flesh. Instead, smother it in salmoriglio for a delicious alternative to the more expensive cod or haddock.

You’ll need:
100 ml of olive oil
the juice of a lemon, strained
2 tablespoons of hot water
1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
1 tablespoon of fresh oregano, chopped or 1 teaspoon of dried oregano
1 garlic clove, crushed
a  pinch of sea salt

here’s how:
Whisk together the olive oil, hot water and lemon juce in a bowl. Add the parsley, oregano and crushed garlic. Season the mixture to taste.

Spread liberally on to the fish of your choice – it’s good with hake, salmon and plaice – and bake in a hot oven (180 degrees C). Cooking time depends on the thickness and size of the fish, but a piece of fish usually cooks in 8-12 minutes.

Salmoriglio can also be used as a marinade for chicken and meat.
